Memorial Day officially kicked off summer this past weekend, and our little family took a quick spin around a charity carnival that was basically in our back yard. I am never in town for Memorial Day or 4th of July, so it’s been a hot minute since I visited a carnival and experienced all the colors, smells and… people! It officially felt like the beginning of summer, which had me thinking about summer vacation ideas. Namely, I need some!
We need a few weekend destination ideas for summer that are ideally located on the west coast, and easy to take an infant on. We go wine tasting all the time as day trips, so we are looking for something a little different. Maybe a lake spot? Any great beach hotels that you recommend? I don’t think I’ve ever been to Santa Barbara… what is there to do there? What about Arizona or Oregon? Considering that I grew up on the west coast, it’ surprising how many places I still have yet to go. Since my family has a small cabin in Lake Tahoe, that has been our go-to forever, but now I am looking to find a few more places for summer vacations that can turn into small traditions for our family.

I would also love to hear your staycation ideas as well. The carnival was fun to walk around, but not ideal for an infant, and I think it will be quite a few more years before Marina is able to enjoy rides or games. We would love to be able to find something in our own backyard that would be great for small children, but still exciting for us adults as well. Even if you don’t live on the west coast, I would love to hear your summer vacation ideas- what are your traditions, what weekend trips you take, and how you officially celebrate the summer weather.
Please share in the comments below or email me your ideas at !